Campaign Finance Regulation 0530-1-3-.07(4)(a)(1) (Independent Expenditures)
This regulation provides that:
“Independent expenditure” means an expenditure by a person for a communication expressly advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate which is not made with the cooperation or with the prior consent of, or in consultation with, or at the request of, or suggestion of, a candidate or any agent or authorized committee of such candidate. “Made with the cooperation or with the prior consent of, or in consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of, a candidate or any agent or authorized committee of the candidate” means:
(a) Any arrangement, coordination, or direction by the candidate or his/her agent prior to the publication, distribution, display, or broadcast of the communication. An expenditure will be presumed to be so made when it is:
(1) Based on information about the candidate’s plans, projects, or needs provided to the expending person by the candidate, or by the candidate’s agent(s), with a view toward having an expenditure made.
We oppose this regulation because it chills politically active citizens’ rights to participate in electing candidates of their choosing based on their familiarity or prior employment with the candidate.